feels good to have found myself once again.
not the myself who claims to be happy and strong.
but the real me finally.
this is the way life should be.
I see red. I see blue. But the silver lining, gradually takes over. When the morning begins, I'll be in the next chapter.
feels good to have found myself once again.
not the myself who claims to be happy and strong.
but the real me finally.
this is the way life should be.
Posted by
11:51 PM
Hello once again.
It's been so long since i last saw you.
I lost you... a long long time ago.
But finally... i''ve found you once again.
Picking you up once again.
Why did you go away for so long?
How did i even let go of you?
It doesnt matter now.
All that matters is that you're back.
Welcome back...
Welcome back Julian...
The last piece of the jigsaw...
Posted by
11:35 PM
X JAPAN - Without You (the night of Destruction Ver.)
Lyrics & Music by YOSHIKI
歩き疲れた 夜にたたずむ
Aruki tsukareta Yoru ni tatazumu
I'm tired of walking and standing in the night
流れる涙を 記憶に重ねて
Nagareru namida o kioku ni Kasanete
I cover my memory with flowing tears
出会いの数だけ 別れはあるけど
Deai no kazu dake Wakare wa arukedo
The number of meeting makes the same number of separation, but
Kagirinai toki ga tuduku to shinjiteta
I believed that limitless time goes on
傷つけ合った言葉さえ 今は抱きしめ
Kizutsuke atta kotoba sae Ima ha dakishime
Now I embrace even words which hurt each other
And I only look back
I feel alone...
How should I love you
How could I feel you
Without you...
数え切れない思い出が時間を 埋めつくす
Kazoekire nai omoide ga jikan o umetsukusu
Innumerable memories fill up the time
貴方を愛して 貴方に傷ついて
Anata o aishite anata ni kizutsuite
I loved you, and I was hurt by you
愛という言葉の 深さに気付いた
Ai to iu kotoba no fukasa ni kizuita
I realized the depth of the word 'LOVE'.
I Still remember
答えのない明日に 夢を求めていた日々を
Kotae no nai ashita ni yume o motomete ita hibi o
The days when I searched answerless tomorrow for a dream
限りなく広がる空に もう一度 生まれた意味 今を生きる意味を 問い掛けて...
Kagirinaku hirogaru sora ni mou ichido Umareta imi ima o ikiru imi o toikakete...
I ask the sky which expands boundlessly meaning of birth, meaning of living now Again...
How should I love you
How could I feel you
Without you...
終わりのない愛の詩を 今貴方に...
Owari no nai Ai no uta o ima anata ni...
the endless poem of ''LOVE'',(I'll dedicate it) to you now...
Posted by
12:45 PM
Labels: lyrics
The truth is always cruel and hard to swallow.
It's one helluva bitter pill.
But sooner or later...
You'll be forced to take it.
And wake up from your dreams.
Posted by
1:19 AM
Labels: emo
Verse 1
雨 不停落下来 花 怎麼都不开
尽管我细心灌溉 你说不爱就不爱 我一个人 欣赏悲哀
Verse 2
爱 只剩下无奈 我 一直不愿再去猜
钢琴上黑键之间 永远都夹著空白 缺了一块 就不精采
紧紧相依的心如何Say goodbye 你比我清楚还要我说明白
爱太深会让人疯狂的勇敢 我用背叛自己 完成你的期盼
把手放开不问一句 Say goodbye 当作最後一次对你的溺爱
冷冷清清淡淡今後都不管 只要你能愉快
Verse 3
心 有一句感慨 我 还能够跟谁对白
在你关上门之前 替我再回头看看 那些片段 还在不在
ok... now for my english translation
Verse 1
Why doesnt the rain stop?
Why don't the flowers bloom anymore?
Even though my heart tries so hard to fill you with love,
You said you didn't love me anymore.
Leaving me all alone,
I could only drown in sadness
Verse 2
All that's left are the regrets of our love.
I'm not willing to continue playing the guessing game.
In between the black keys of the piano,
Keys of emptiness forever reside.
If one goes missing,
It'll lose it's brilliance.
How could two hearts linked together so closely... even bear to say goodbye?
How could you, who knows more clearly than me, ask me to explain it all?
Falling so deeply in love,
Will only lead to blind, reckless courage.
Once again, i betray myself
To fulfill your expectations
Letting go of each other's hand, you never even said goodbye.
Take it as if it is the last time i'm loving you.
No matter how cold it becomes,
No matter how long it takes for the feelings to fade.
All i want...
is for you to be happy.
Verse 3
My heart is feeling flustered.
Who can i convey these feelings to?
Before you close the door on me,
Look back on my behalf.
All that we've been through,
do they still exist in your heart?
Posted by
12:59 AM
Labels: creative writing, lyrics
Within. Without.
How much is too much space?
How little is too little space?
A hole that's so big.
Fallen in so deep.
A hole that's filled.
Regrets, Tears, Joy, Laughter, Pain, Sadness.
And the shadow that will never ever go away.
The shadow that brings back the warmth.
The shadow that brings back the memories.
A hole that's so enduring.
Struggle to get out? Or be embraced?
What'll be there outside the hole?
Will there be warmth? Will there be nice memories?
Can it ever reach the level of the feelings for the hole?
A hole that seems so big.
Yet leaves so little space for all else.
A hole which has occupied a big space within the heart.
A void so protected.
Seems like so much to fill up.
But... can it be filled?
A Space which leaves so little Space.
The laughter of the fates are ringing once again.
Posted by
12:35 AM
Turn back the Pendulum.
Tock. Tock. Tock. Tock.
The deafening sound permeates the air.
Didn't i notice it all along?
I try. Nothing.
I try harder. Still nothing.
Denying pain, denying my very own pride, denying the truth.
I just refuse to accept it.
I keep going... and going...
But where will i end up eventually?
Would it have been better if the Pendulum were not set in motion in the first place?
But it has.
Now i can only hear the melody playing out it's story.
What awaits at the end of the melody?
A beautiful melody filled with pain and laughter? Or will it just slowly fade away eventually...
No matter what...
The Pendulum still stands where it was all along.
Posted by
12:19 AM
Labels: creative writing, emo, verses
Quote from Alan's blog.
"To love someone is nothing. To be loved by someone is something. To love and be loved by someone is everything"
Posted by
1:28 AM
Labels: quotes
wah. been a long time since i really drank. got somewhat tipsy at the bar/lounge wateva... then lol thanks to the rest who made my night... especially since i'd been feeling down recently. although supposed to just accompany my frd... and i said that i wouldnt drink... end up drinking, playing dice, karaoke... and on top of that ... the "funny stuff" they try to do to me ... haha....thanks for everything guys :D
about the "funny stuff"... actually i'm really sober. just that i got a little high. but haha... not high enuf to make me go all the way. nice try guys. next time maybe. lol. felt a bit good. but no no ~ lol. just cannot do it. hyuk hyuk hyuk.
die. i'm still feeling high now. makes me feel like doing some crazy stuff. think the alcohol is finally kicking in after a few hours. maybe now if u asked me to do the "funny stuff", i'ld jsut whack liao and dun care and kill it off.
wheeeeeeeee. siao liaoz. lots of random thoughts now.
thanks to the people who've been around when i was feeling down. your presence alone made me feel better. just cant express enuf gratitude.
and lol... thinking back about this week. i think i've really been a bastard. especially after crossing the line emotionally. just didnt manage to climb back. let all the small small stuff affect me when normally it just wouldnt.
bleahz. my parents got me a new chinese name. which i ABSOLUTELY ABHOR. it's unofficial though.... the new chinese name wont be seen on my IC. and it FREAKING SOUNDS LIKE A GIRL'S NAME. SO NO NO NO ~!!! i die die also wont adopt that.
and tonight i was just thinking. fuck it. why hold back. want to do something ~ just do it !!! be happy !!! why the hell hold yourself back ! just do anything to make urself feel good. i happy then can make others happy also. i sad will only make others sad. wheee..... think i've crossed back onto the light side again. or maybe it's just the alcohol making me feel high. hopefully when i wake up tomorrow i'll still be feeling all good. suddenly everything seems so positive now. must be the alcohol.
haha...think my posts making no sense already. the influence of the alcohol slowly kicking in... chivas regal >.<" . actually only drink little little + super a lot of mixer cause i can't hold my alcohol... end up due to the "unforseen" circumstances from the "funny stuff" ...ended up whacking so much for my standards. die.
i wonder if the next time i try that "funny stuff" again... how far would i go... especially if i really do push my limits of alcohol...think it's all up to the rest of my buddies to sabo me... wahahahaha
ok typing a lot. super a lot. long post. long time since i last post liao. haha...
and whee ~ singing "bei pan" by cao ge... felt really good. super super super good. haha...
and die. still need to wake up relatively early. now already 4am + ... from boat quay...
new motto learnt? < I want to be happy. So i can make others happy :D >
shall go bathe and sleep. still need the energy for tomorrow.
Posted by
3:50 AM
Labels: memories
damn. sucky end to the day.
crossed the line... because of some various stuff that went on. totally messed me up for the night.
just felt totally screwed. bish.bash.whacked.
and now... something that i had been looking forward to for months... can't happen now. just feeling a little sad. but i know i can't be that selfish. so... haha. let it be i guess. life never goes all that smoothly.
adios amigos
Posted by
12:17 AM
And then the boy drifted off to sleep.
Breathing heavy...
The flames within the ash, one by one, welling up.
That beloved face.
Thousands of dreams upon this earth,
As your silver eyes trembled upon that night,
A "shining" you is born.
Hundreds of millions of months and years.
No matter how many prayers are returned to the earth,
I shall continue to pray.
Please, give this child Love, Joined Hands, and a Kiss.
Posted by
11:28 PM
Labels: verses
Darkness blinded the eyes.
A soaked paper. Black.
Weakness befell.
Tearing the very fabrics of reality.
Denial by pride, contradiction by power.
The paper that should have never been there?
Spilt ink. Blotted paper.
The truth that will never be.
Truth no longer is truth, but melded with kind lies.
But Time tells no lies.
Posted by
1:41 AM
Labels: creative writing, emo, verses
ho ho ho. long time no blog.
no time.
feel lazy.
life's still going on and on and on and on.
came back after CNY... and went to thailand for 2 weeks...
now school's started again.
still totally in a holiday mood.
feeling lethargic too sometimes.
need to find energy..
ok crapping already.
enuf is enuf.
Posted by
11:50 PM
I couldn't look forward
Not knowing whether you would still be standing there
I couldn't look back
It only pains me with all the memories
Now i'm at the crossroads once again
Where the heavy rain pours upon me
I'm stuck once again with this knife planted so deeply in my heart
How could i even bear to pluck it out when it's all i have left?
I can only find your love in my dreams
Sleep is a narcotic which can calm this raging heart
I cannot bear to let you go
So for now
I continue walking in my dreams
Till the day my heart finally dies
When did the melody ever go so wrong?
How could i not see the madness of the conductor
How could i not see the breaking of all the strings
How could i not see the stage collapsing
Actually i knew
Just that i had gorged my eyes out
Cut off my ears
Peeled off my skin
I wanted to ignore everything
Deny the very reality i live in
But i knew i could pull the song together
At this very treacherous crossroad
At this very collapsing stage
At this point where music is fading away
With this knife within my heart
Where i refuse to give up the dream
I'll continue being that piano player
Playing the bleeding melody of his heart
Even if it comes to the end of the world
Even if all that's left is a wasteland
Even if i'm a thousand miles away from you
I still can't forget
That mischevious smile of yours
The feel of your skin
You'd think a thousand miles would be enough
I guess i'll keep on walking
Until the day
Where i will finally
Find you once again
In the corner of the tiny little bar
The colours of my heart
Will breathe life into this desecrated world
And the melody of my heart
Will play once again...
For the one and only...