Friday, August 17, 2007

Which animal are you ?

Which animal are you? Quite accurate...

You are Green Cheetah, who looks sharp and fearless.
Your unhesitating manner leaves strong impression on people.
You tend to be little short tempered.
Your moves are fast, and you can make decisions so fast that you do not give other person a chance to take a breath.
Concerning your personal relationship, you calculate the merits and demerits of having a relationship from the start.
You tend to have relationships that do not inflict loss on yourself.
You are very straight forward person.
Therefore, your friends and enemies are clear.
You will put in great effort in catching someone who would become useful to you.
Like your looks, you are very smart and intelligent.
You have great many talents.
You are always finding new things to challenge, and is a person with strong desire to reform.
You are quick on changes that occur in the society, and are very interested in politics.
You are workaholic.
You love what you do.
Your career comes before your personal life.
You are weak on making long term plans, and tend to be too optimistic.
You will be successful if there is someone who is precise to assist you.

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