Thursday, November 15, 2007

Let It Begin...

I'm so going to win this bet....

I'm so going to move on....

I'm so gonna climb out of this pit....

I'm so gonna win this meal.... hyuk hyuk hyuk

But...In the end... All that matters is that we all get out of this madness.... climb out of this pit....

And like you said... fly like the wind....

Guess that its some sorta wake-up call for me... haha... really thanks a lot for the chat last night... And thanks for the mp3s... esp the 2nd one...

"It ain't a scene, its a GOD ~ DAMN ~ ARMS ~ RACE ~ "

And hm... today i went for my annual check-up for my heart. ( hole in the heart for those who don't know ) ... and something was wrong... it was fine all the previous years... but this year.. my ECG was abnormal. I also saw it... and thought something was wrong... ( i know cause i've been a medic before... ). And the doc said that there was a slight heart murmur... which is equivalent to a small tiny leak...

Because back then around the late 80's when i had my operation... technology wasn't that advanced yet, so it was common for people who had their holes in the heart ( Ventricular Septum Disease )patched up to have a small tiny leak / hole ...

Got to go back next Friday on the 23rd for slightly more checks... if there's anything really wrong... leaks , etc etc etc.... i might have to go for some 24-hour ECG monitoring thing... and worse case scenario... a 2nd operation... haha... maybe i'm just making it sound too serious here... cause as far as i know... ECGs aren't exactly that good indicators...

oh well wateva... i'm not gonna be too bothered about it... i'm just gonna do what i do normally... despite some "kind advice" from my parents on what to do and what not to do... like making a fuss over it... i understand that they are just trying to care for me... but haha... i think its un-necessary.... i'm just gonna go do sports and watsoeva ...

And oh... the only good news i got today.... is that .... i realise... despite all my eatings... despite my lack of exercise... my weight has maintained since my army days... no more no less... ( i've not checked my weight for i think about a year... ) still around the same range... haha... ( which i'm not gonna say of course ) ... which is a "good sign" to me... which means that i can eat a lot .... with minimal exercise... and still maintain my weight... need to worry much about it then...

And once again... yea... GO GO GO LETS ALL CLIMB OUT OF THE PIT AND MOVE ON ~~~~

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