Saturday, November 17, 2007

Wana - The Back Horn

絶望は甘い罠 鎖されたその扉


命さえも玩ぶのか 壊れかけたおとぎの国で

欲望は毒林檎 手に入れたものは何?

愛を知らず揺れるゆりかご 燃え尽きてく眠りの森で
共に生きる喜びさえも消えてしまう 遠く

優しさを信じ 全てを許して
慈しむように ただわかちあって わかりあって

命さえも玩ぶのか 壊れかけたおとぎの国で

愛を知らず揺れるゆりかご 何故僕らは生まれたのだろう
遥か彼方 祈りのような子守歌が響く

優しさを信じ 全てを許して
慈しむように ただわかちあって わかりあって

Despair is an alluring trap, a door that shuts you in.
My heart is a battlefield, so I can't tell anyone.

Their clockwork hearts are manipulated by destiny,
The tin-plate soldiers begin their massacre.

Are lives playthings too, in this crumbling fairy tale kingdom?
Please, don't ever forget the pain that runs deep in your heart.

Desire is a poisoned apple. What is it that you have obtained?
What are we going to pass on to the children of tomorrow?

The rocking cradle that knows not love, in this sleeping forest as it burns to the ground,
You are so distant that even the joy of being alive with you is disappearing.

Believe in kindness and forgive everything.
Share with others, understand each other, so that we may learn to love.

Are lives playthings too, in this crumbling fairy tale kingdom?
Please, don't ever forget the pain that runs deep in your heart.

The rocking cradle that knows not love, why were we born into this world?
In faraway lands, the prayer-like lullaby resounds.

Believe in kindness and forgive everything.
Share with others, understand each other, so that we may learn to love.

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