Friday, March 28, 2008



Within. Without.

How much is too much space?

How little is too little space?

A hole that's so big.

Fallen in so deep.

A hole that's filled.

Regrets, Tears, Joy, Laughter, Pain, Sadness.

And the shadow that will never ever go away.

The shadow that brings back the warmth.

The shadow that brings back the memories.

A hole that's so enduring.

Struggle to get out? Or be embraced?

What'll be there outside the hole?

Will there be warmth? Will there be nice memories?

Can it ever reach the level of the feelings for the hole?

A hole that seems so big.

Yet leaves so little space for all else.

A hole which has occupied a big space within the heart.

A void so protected.

Seems like so much to fill up.

But... can it be filled?

A Space which leaves so little Space.

The laughter of the fates are ringing once again.

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